By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have carefully removed some daff and muscari bulbs from a large pot...I have not cut the foliage right back I? Do I clean the excess soil off and then how is best to store them for next year? Thanks :)
10 Jun, 2012
Oh dear Kate it would have been better to let the foliage die back before you removed them from the container as this is what feeds the bulb so that it flowers the following year. Either put into another pot until the foliage dies back or into the ground where they wil grow next year and water weekly with half strength liquid tomato food for about six weeks. You can then store dry if you want to but better to be in the ground.
10 Jun, 2012
Ok thanks for your comments :) It will be nice to get in the garden today after a week of awful rain :(
10 Jun, 2012
Enjoy your gardening.
10 Jun, 2012
I would be just tidying the bulbs up a little, Kate. trim off any old roots and foliage which should be dead by now. Preferably plant again straight away, otherwise store in a cool, dry place. I have an old fridge in myy shed for this purpose.
10 Jun, 2012