By Rogi
NRW, Germany
Plant ID please. Hallo all. Near where I live we have a "cheap" GC and sometimes they give plants away for free that have dried up...yesterday I got a couple of geraniums that just need a little TLC and also what is in the following photo. I have no idea what it is, maybe somebody can help me...there is no description on the pot. I put it in a bucket of water over night and it seems to look healthy again. Is this a house plant or one for the garden?. Thanks for any answers.
- 10 Jun, 2012
Hallo Gg. Thanks for your answer. I thought it looked like conifer of some sorts but the "leaves" are very soft compared to the conifers that I have growing in tubs.
10 Jun, 2012
It looks similar to Thuga plicata Zebrina but I wouldn't swear to it. If it is it is definitely a plant for the garden. It could grow to 12' in 10 years.
10 Jun, 2012
It's a type of indoor plant called selaginella. Not sure of the specific name tho....possibly pallescens
10 Jun, 2012
That is interesting Andy j.
10 Jun, 2012
Used to grow them in the palm house in Brighton when i looked after it along with other mosses such as Selaginella apoda.
Whatever you do, never let it dry out.
10 Jun, 2012
Thanks for the different answers. I will now just wait and see what happens to it.
10 Jun, 2012
Andy is a professional gardener you can trust his answer Rogi. I did not know the plant but it does look similar to a thuja in shape and colouring. I have looked at Selaginella and if you look very closely at your photo you can see it is one.
10 Jun, 2012
I agree with Andy, we had Neil Timms a fern specialst grower showing us some of these only on Thursday.
10 Jun, 2012
Just as well you lot knew what it was
11 Jun, 2012
Gg I always say the more I find out the more I realise how little I know but there is strength in numbers and I hope if I guess wrongly someone will know better. I have conifers with soft foliage so it is a case of knowing through experience of the plant.
11 Jun, 2012
Its a type of conifer so outdoors , dont know the name of it sorry
10 Jun, 2012