homemade garlic spray
By Iwbi1952
United Kingdom
hello l have been using a home made garlic spray for my hostas it really works can l use it on other plants ? thank you Ann Miller from Harlow Essex
10 Jun, 2012
It works for slugs and snails on any plant too. Not as a killer but if you spray the leaves it becomes a systemic deterrent to their being eaten by these horrors. A couple of years ago I spent a fortune on nematodes with zero effect, then a friend suggested garlic for my lettuce, peas and beans. It works, and, no the veg does not taste of garlic when mature. I think the pests must have a better sense of taste than us.
10 Jun, 2012
Really glad to know this - thanks!
10 Jun, 2012
Can anyone tell me how to make this spray up ?? :-))
11 Jun, 2012
To make the garlic spray just break up a garlic in water bring to boil and simmer for about 30 minutes strain and push the softened garlic through sieve stir put in a squeezy spray bottle shake before using. (it do stink the house out but worth it when you get hostas with NO eaten leaves.
11 Jun, 2012
Thanks so much Iwbi :-)) will promptly make some up.
11 Jun, 2012
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« Nettle manure? I decided to make some and it has been brewing for 3 weeks now...
What pest are you using this garlic spray for? It should work against aphids, but what would be really useful is a natural spray that would deter or get rid of slugs and snails!
The garlic spray should work for aphids on virtually any plant.
10 Jun, 2012