Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
ive had a laburnum tree in a pot for a good few years and it always flowered well but last year i cut off all the hanging seeds off it this year there was only one flower on the whole tree was the cutting of the seeds my mistake incidently it has put on loads of leaf growth ps and will it flower next year
10 Jun, 2012
thanks for your advice ill leave till next year it still looks healthy in large pot gets well soaked
10 Jun, 2012
Cutting the seeds off won't have affected flowering this year, assuming you just took the spent flower parts. I'm surprised its doing so well in a pot - it may be that its day as a pot plant is done, and it needs planting out, or it could just have been the vagaries of the weather this year causing the aborting of flowering.
10 Jun, 2012