peony problem
By Walthamstow
North Wales,
United Kingdom
We have planted a peony root abot 5inches deep it has started to come through and looks healthy but i heard that we may have planted it to deep and that it will not flower .Any advice please
10 May, 2009
Hi Walthamstow yes you have planted too deep and are unlikely to get any flowers. You'll need to leave it for this season but lift and replant in the autumn advice from Bachmans is as follows:
Planting depth is the distance from the eyes of the root system to the surface of the soil. You can find the eyes by examining the woody crown of the root system when the plant is dormant. The eyes are the large, pinkish-red pointed buds emerging from the top of the woody crown. In our climate, the eye of the peony should be as close as possible to 1 1/2 to 2 inches below the surface of the soil.
10 May, 2009