By Rosetav
United Kingdom
My Robinia lace lady has grown through the drainage holes in the pot I have got it growing in. Had to change the compost as the roots are really large in the pot and through into the ground. The rain we have had has filled the pot with water and it was smelly so had to get it all out. Can someone help me as I dont want to loose it had it approx 7 years now and it is beautifull. Adding a photo that I took about 2008 help please :)

10 Jun, 2012
Hi I havent broke the roots to scared just cleaned the horrible compost out is there any way round doing anything about this as we had the same problem in the winter.Its not wilting at the moment :) Thank you for the welcome as I am a late starter at gardening.
10 Jun, 2012
Unfortunately not - the drainage holes are blocked by the roots squeezing through them, and eventually that will cause the plant problems anyway. I'm trying to think of a solution that doesn't involve breaking the roots - how long has the plant been in that spot and how tall is it now? Any chance of a current photograph?
10 Jun, 2012
Welcome to GoY Rose : The only soloution that may work for you that I can think of is to drill small drainage holes around the bottom 3" of the side of the pot. That way any excess water from the top will drain out. Your tree will be getting almost all it needs through the roots that are in the ground.
The other option is to push the pot over and sever the roots...effectively a bonsai treatment.
10 Jun, 2012
Although described as a small tree, it has the potential to be about 15 foot. I think you will have to pot it on several times as it gets an even larger root system. Best to plant it in the garden in the dormant period.
11 Jun, 2012
Not sure what you're asking really - presumably it had rooted through into the ground beneath? And you 've had to break those roots to remove it from the pot? Is it wilting badly now and have you repotted it?
Welcome to GoY by the way - and nice looking area in your photograph.
10 Jun, 2012