By Marion1
United Kingdom
Not A Question
I transplanted my Magnolia Grandiflora last Saturday, I know it was not the right time of year to do it but it had to be moved, it was in a massive pot and although I only purchased it last year it grew 3 times its size in a year and was becoming huge, so with great trepidation as I know they hate to be moved I plucked up the courage, we have planted it now in the ground in a massive hole back filled with compost, I am pleased to say that so far, so good, it is not showing any signs of distress so I hope I have not spoken too soon, wish me luck!!!!!
10 Jun, 2012
All this rain should help - all the best with it!
10 Jun, 2012
It would also benefit from a mulch of leaf mould once it's in and soaked Marion.
I'll be planting mine out later this year, (stellata, not grandiflora), so fingers crossed here too.
11 Jun, 2012
Everything crossed for you Marion x
10 Jun, 2012