Potted plant to decorate stair
By Kevk
United Kingdom
I am looking for advice on what kind of plant to pot on the stairs at the back of the house.
The stairs are in the shade for most of the day. I am a complete novice and wouldnt know what plant would grow in these conditions. I would prefer something that grows tall rather than out.
Thanks in advance
10 May, 2009
How about Sarcococca, the Christmas box. It's evergreen and likes shade and has wonderfully fragrant flowers in winter, just where you can smell them!
14 May, 2009
Previous question
« have had one of the above for three years ,why doesnt it flower
I assume you are referring to outdoor stairs and would like a shrub in which case if you require flowers I would recommend a Hydrangea. There are the mophead types i.e Hortensia but there are some beautiful lacecap varieties too. A creamy white one would lighten up the area too, however they grow bushy rather than tall. Another idea would be to grow a variegated ivy up an obelisk above your pot to get the height and colour without the need for flowers. Hope this helps
Take a Leaf,Stamford Bridge, York
14 May, 2009