Climbing Roses
By 484613
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have two climbing roses against an east facing fence they have been in for three years, the promblem is that all the leaf growth is at the top of the plants and the first 5 feet of growth show no sign of movement from any of the nodes. the tops do flower but not profusly. (Q) What is required to make these roses flower lower down the plants?
On plant
not kown
10 May, 2009
Thankyou for your responce and I will follow your instructions and will keep you posted
10 May, 2009
With climbers you need to bend the shoots over horizontally along the fence and tie them in, then they will send numerous shoots up off that tied in stem. If this is not done you will get one tall main stem and a bunch of shoots shooting off at the top which is what you have. Tie as many of your side shoots horizontally now, be careful not to snap them, off as they will be tender growth and in the Autum if you have more than 1 main stem cut the oldest hard back and it will sprout from the bottom in the Spring. The next year cut the other old stem off and make sure you tie in the new growth horizontally when they are tough enough to handle.
10 May, 2009