By Jimbo145
County Antrim,
United Kingdom
Why does my Rhodo not bloom She does plenty of growing
11 Jun, 2012
I just put it the ground last year i'm Feeding it but it might be the wrong stuff (miracle gro) she is about 3 years old.I even went and bought another one about a month ago to see if it would polanate,it with the bees
So i hope you can put me on the strait and narrow and thanks for any help i can get
11 Jun, 2012
Miracle grow is totally the wrong feed for a rhododendron - as you are discovering it causes lots of lush green growth but does not encourage the set of flowers. Is your soil acid or alkaline? If acidic and the rhodo is in the ground it needs little or no feeding just the occasional mulch; if it is alkaline you need to feed with an ericaceous feed and work ericaceous compost into the soil.
11 Jun, 2012
Thank Moon grower for your tips.but could tell me how can i fine out what kind of soil i have in my garden Acid or alkaline Is there a test i can try out
11 Jun, 2012
You can get a soil pH testing kit in your garden centre. A quick way to know is if you grown hydrangeas - pink flowers slightly alkaline to neutral soil, blue flowers acidic soil. Also are your neighbours able to grown rhododendrons and other ericaceous shrubs in the ground.
11 Jun, 2012
If your rhododendron is looking lush and green, and not chlorotic (yellowing patches) then your soil is fine in terms of acidity. If you've been using Miracle Gro general purpose, stop using it - as MG says, its high nitrogen so will produce lots of leaves. Rhododendrons in the ground really don't need much feeding at all, just a dressing of something like Growmore in spring, raked into the base (without damaging the roots) and a mulch of something humus rich like garden compost or soil conditioning compost from the garden centre, and that's all.
11 Jun, 2012
To be honest we don't do anything other than a once a year mulch (if we remember) but, we have been building up the soil over the past 22 years.
11 Jun, 2012
well once again Bamsoo and Moon grower for input and she is very healthy just with out blooms Cheers
11 Jun, 2012
In a pot or in the ground, and are you feeding it and if so, what with and how often? How long have you had it?
11 Jun, 2012