By Littlenic999
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Not really a question - a picture of my freaky foxglove

11 Jun, 2012
The Flower Pot Men live again.
11 Jun, 2012
Ugh, its horrible, sorry Littlenic...
11 Jun, 2012
bamboo - it's like little shop of horrors isn't it?
11 Jun, 2012
I'd have to cut it off...
11 Jun, 2012
Whats in the centre?
11 Jun, 2012
honestly i'm afraid to go to close - it looks all weirded up in the centre too. shall i go take a close up?
11 Jun, 2012
*too close
11 Jun, 2012
bamboo - i can't cut it off it's my freaky foxglove! what's a freaky foxglove without it's freaky bits!?
11 Jun, 2012
Well, I guess its a curiosity...
11 Jun, 2012
Pamg looks like ovaries in the centre... Little house of horrors indeed - I'd have removed that pdq!
11 Jun, 2012
Do you guys live near nuclear power stations by any chance?
11 Jun, 2012
Take some more photo's, some close up. I want to see more!! Very interestingly weird!!!
11 Jun, 2012
11 Jun, 2012
I want one !!!!! Don't chop it off! I really love glitches and freaks of nature, fascinates me :) Have been googling sports since hearing of them on here too!
11 Jun, 2012
Would seeds from a 'freak' plant like this be more likely to produce freak plants?
11 Jun, 2012
depends on the cause of the 'freak'. if all the flowers had been like this then there may be a chance from seed. but as it is just the one flower then I'd say no.
11 Jun, 2012
Thanks for sharing this but pleased my foxgloves don't look like this! Mind the top flowers haven't opened yet...!
11 Jun, 2012
It's called fasciation and can affect any plant whether on the flower or stems, You can collect the seeds, but they are likely to either be sterile, or revert back to normal. It is caused by damage or disease. I get loads of thing fasciating all over my garden every year, and I love it. It creates some really lovely shapes.
12 Jun, 2012
Ive only ever had fused stems on my Primula.....2nd hand - get up some pix of your interesting plants :) x
12 Jun, 2012
2ndhand - littlenic, on the other thread re peculiar foxgloves, has mentioned pelagoric foxgloves rather than its being fasciation or proliferation - look it up, its really interesting.
PS: I knew I'd got it wrong, its peloric, 2nd hand.
12 Jun, 2012
i did take some close ups - i'll pop the best one on a new thread as i don't know how to put another picture on this one. hope that isn't annoying
12 Jun, 2012
I can't say I'm looking forward to a close up, littlenic, I'm finding it repellent from a distance, never mind up close, lol!
12 Jun, 2012
Just searched peloric. Found this fine specimen...
12 Jun, 2012
sorry didn't mean to leave blank.
13 Jun, 2012
I just looked up Peloric, fascinating, and there was me thinking it was fasciation................
I did a blog a while back on the probs in my garden.
I have loads of photos, but i haven't sorted them out yet, when I do I will blog again.
13 Jun, 2012
My goodness! Is it all the strange weather do you think.....
11 Jun, 2012