bella donna lily
By Pollyanna
United Kingdom
A friend was able to get me a Bella Donna Lily in the Scilly,s last year. It's started to grow . Any one grown one ? any tips welcome.
11 May, 2009
Thank you for all the information. The bulb as leaves and I understand it wont flower this year. I have also got nerines which flower late September.
I live on the south coast of Sussex UK weather usually quite mild (but not last winter) Iost many Arum lilys and agapanthus. I an also growing a Protea I hae had for 3 years no flowers yet.
15 May, 2009
Well good luck with your lily - and you're right, they usually don't flower for a year or two after being dug up.
16 May, 2009
Hi Pollyanna - I grow belladonnas here in northern Oz so I hope my comments can be helpful. Belladonnas love warm locations - they can stand being out in the sun all day. They like to be planted out in the open, with the neck of the bulbs above ground level similar to nerines. They don't like too much water.
I have to say that I see them growing in old gardens with no attention given to them at all - they are as tough as old boots.
Tips - Plant neck of bulb above ground. These bulbs love to be left undisturbed for many years, so space your planting to allow for multiplication.
Watering - Normal winter spring rainfall sufficient. Tolerant of dry summers.
Fertilising - Top dress with all purpose fertiliser each spring.
Lifting and storage - Can be lifted and divided at any time of year, however they are best left undisturbed.
15 May, 2009