By Sprideaux
United Kingdom
I have recently overhauled my garden, and moved an established acer from one end of garden to another. The move was very quick so not to shock the tree for too long, however after about 3-4 days I have noticed the leaves are dying. In hindsight, being a novice, I should have seeked advice first. Have I killed my lovely acer?
13 Jun, 2012
I agree with Snoopy and Gattina. Lots and lots of water!Plants can get droopy and shed leaves after you move them and sometimes they take a while to recover.
Good luck, I hope it makes it.
13 Jun, 2012
As a general rule, remember that trees have many more roots than the ones which are clearly visible, which are the large ones which hold the plant firmly in the ground. Most of the feeding and water absorbing roots are the fine hair like ones which are destroyed when you move a plant. This doesn't matter in the dormant period as new ones will grow during the winter months and spring, but if you try to move a plant during the summer, you are giving it a really hard time.
You say it is an 'established' acer, so let's hope it was not too big and that there is hope. Keeping it well watered all through the summer is your best hope.
13 Jun, 2012
as a basic rule of thumb theres as much growth under ground as there is above .
13 Jun, 2012
Oh dear, what height was your acer and how long had it been in the ground... It was unwise to move at this time of year, having done so keep it well watered which may or may not be difficult depending where you live.
13 Jun, 2012
Yes! I think we've all agreed on that, Mg! :)
13 Jun, 2012
Um... Karenfrance I am trying to find out just how old and established this acer is... Does have a baring on what is likely to happen - unless you know differently?
13 Jun, 2012
Why? So that you can be the harbinger of doom??
As everyone has said, water is the will either work or not...
Let's hope it does! :)
13 Jun, 2012
Good luck with you tree, hope it recovers from its move x Welcome to the page :) I'm new here too and similar to you I dived in and started digging things up and moving about...... Then researching!!! I seem to have got away with it after taking the advice offered on here x fingers crossed for your tree, Acers are lovely........ Toddles off to peek for photos on Sprideaux's page :) x
13 Jun, 2012
being posative is part of it i think .
14 Jun, 2012
Do you know Noseypotter, I think you are RIGHT!! I've lost count of the times I've believed I couldn't grow something and it hasn't grown, then I've just gone ahead and moved stuff, optimistically, not knowing any better, and got away with it, only to find out later that if it had only read the gardening books it would have curled up and died! I hope your tree survives Sprideaux, you'd be amazed with some of the 'moves' I've got away with over the years! :D
14 Jun, 2012
I try not to let my plants near any gardening books, KS! A little learning is a dangerous thing. :o)
14 Jun, 2012
lol Gattina :)
14 Jun, 2012
its like cooking you get the feal of was going to work reaLY AND WHEN . but my bonzie friend litteraly snapped of a secondary plant from his very sharp frind/mother plant a yucka it was . sunny day to . it was snapped like the end of a cucumber with about 2 little roots out the side . i questioned its chances and as per usual i was wrong and its growing greAT or should i say they lol . anyway what you got to lose leaving it as is untill you know its dead or not . you could bye another to ofcourse . i got given a rose climber in mid summer with hardly and rooot and know leaves . i took it but i gave it know hope realy . now i got a huge burgler unfriendly rose growing 30` up my cherry tree to x x .
15 Jun, 2012
You really have made me laugh out loud now, Nosey! I can just picture it!
15 Jun, 2012
yup, me too :D
15 Jun, 2012
i like to keep peaple happy its a nice posative fealing lol xx .
16 Jun, 2012
Yes, I agree, spreading a little happiness....even if it is at my own expense (which it often is, as people laugh AT me more than 'with' me!!) is one of the best joys in life! :D
16 Jun, 2012
Oh yes, am with you there, Karen, Nosey, and that Italian woman... :DDDD
16 Jun, 2012
16 Jun, 2012
lol xx .
16 Jun, 2012
I'm sure you would be, Snoopdog, but I can't think of any better advice. You may be lucky. I think water is the key now. Fingers crossed for you. We have moved small trees before now - some have worked, some haven't. Welcome to Goy, Sprideaux!
13 Jun, 2012