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please ID this for me


By Mookins

Norfolk, United Kingdom

bought this for the wildlife puddle cheap as it had no label, can someone give me the name for it please

thank you

x x x



It is a Geranium of some sort, possibly G. robertianum.

11 May, 2009


Could it be Doves foot cranes bill? not sure leaf is the same can't quite tell from photo, or herb robert?

11 May, 2009


sorry it wouldnt stay still in the wind

x x x

11 May, 2009


I think you are both right on this have googles it and the leaves look very very similar

thanks again

x x x

11 May, 2009


it is a prolific self sower and when there is too much it pulls up nicely.

11 May, 2009


even better, means less hard work for hehe

x x x

11 May, 2009


Ooooeerr!!! I class this as a weed. Naughty me, lol.

I keep pulling up no end of this and I reckon it's coming from next door. 'Tis pretty though. :o)

11 May, 2009


thats fair enough Llew if you dont want it in your garden, Il probably be saying the same ina few months time hehe

x x x

12 May, 2009


A weed is only a plant that you don't want! The thing I like about this 'weed' geranium is the foliage turns red.

12 May, 2009


does that include the leaves then... sorry I never know whether foliage is everything or just certain parts of the plant

x x x

12 May, 2009


It's the leaves, Mookins. These do go a pretty shade of red.

12 May, 2009


Hi Mookins, It is Geranium Pratense, also called 'Herb Robert'. It is probably the commonest of the wild/native cranesbills, certainly in my own experience, and self-seeds very easily. Its seeds 'ping' by a tiny catapult mechanism which fling the seeds as far away as it can from the plant. I have some growing under my hedge. It frequently occurs in gardens, and throughout the countyside. It will also often grow in cracks in pavings. Kind regards.

12 May, 2009


thats amazing Jonathan, I love to read things like this it amazes me the way plants work there magic

thank you for that

x x x

12 May, 2009


I beg your pardon Owdboggy. You are right, it is G 'Robertianum'.

14 May, 2009


Guess who's got some now? lol.

14 May, 2009


have you Llew

x x x

14 May, 2009


Yep. Found a big pile by my back gate last evening, lol. I did chuckle, and I'm not in such a hurry to pull them up now. :o)

14 May, 2009


ooh lucky you

bet they look lovely

x x x

14 May, 2009

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