Globe Artichokes, to cut or not to cut?
By Phil123000
United Kingdom
I have globe artichokes grown from seed last year and grew to about a foot high (no flowers) in the season. They've survived over winter without cover and now about 2-3 ft high, looking healthy and growing well.
I know that in their first year you have to cut off any flowers to get good harvests in subsequent years, my question is as this is technically their second can I harvest, or should I leave it another year as they were never big enough to flower in their first year?
Any advice welcome :)
13 Jun, 2012
Previous question
Globe artichokes are short lived perennials, about 3 yrs for good results. I would suggest harvesting some of the flower heads this year, then next year you can let some go to seed to propagate some more.
15 Jun, 2012