By Minid
United States
Hi, I bought some red canna lily plants and I planted them in my front yard, but for some reason the leaves are tearing and burning. How can I treat these plants to grow healthy and beautiful for my front yard?
13 Jun, 2012
Is this wind and or sun damage?
14 Jun, 2012
Thats what I thought Drc, do you have anywhere a bit less exposed Minid
14 Jun, 2012
In Ft. Stockton, wind damage is likely, but sun isn't, unless they're not getting enough water. Re-planting in a more sheltered site is probably in order, and I would probably check your watering strategy. Here at their heat tolerance limits, they need a good soaking--5-7 gallons per foot of plant width--every 3-4 days. A little less often might work there, but I wouldn't reduce the amount any. Also remember to keep them fed: they're at least as hungry as rose bushes.
15 Jun, 2012
I live in Pecos County in a small town called Fort Stockton Tx.
14 Jun, 2012