By Auntie_sues
United Kingdom
I have the same problem with woodlice eating my strawberries and it is not because of being dry as the ground is saturated, I do have straw around them. Has anyone found an answer yet?
14 Jun, 2012
Thank you. As regards slug pellets I am trying to be organic but must admit this year has been very trying and I think the slugs are winning as always!!!
14 Jun, 2012
If you prefer not to use slug pellets, put some black plastic sheet down around the plants and then check under this in the morning. Most slugs and snails in the area will shelter under this and can be removed. I agree with Cutsandgraz that woodlice are the 'fall guys' for most of the evils perpetrated by those terrible gastropods!
Personally I believe they have developed the ability to 'teleport' as the ones I carefully remove from the polytunnel every morning and transport around 100 metres away into long grass are back INSIDE the tunnel next day! And yet the doors are shut at night!
This is a mystery which quantum physicists should be investigating!
14 Jun, 2012
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The mouth parts of wood lice are very soft so I would suggest that slugs or something else have moved in first. The woodlice follow on the softer material and end up being the 'fall guy'. With the area being damp would support slugs or snails. Put some slug pellets down to test the theory.
14 Jun, 2012