Can anyone ID this shrub for me please?
By Sid
Hereford, United Kingdom
There are several of these large shrubs growing in a park near where I'm working. The colours range from light pink to dark pink and the flowers look rather like Lonicera purpurea flowers in shape and size. Well, they do to me anyway! The leaves are simple pinate and quite dark green in colour. The shrubs are about 10ft tall, but growing through other shrubs, which might be making them taller than usual to get to the light. If anyone knows what they are, do you know if I can easy take cuttings?
Thankies :-)
- 13 May, 2009
Might be one of the deutzias, though they don't usually get quite so tall. Why don't you ring the local parks department and ask them what they are - they should know.
13 May, 2009
Sid, I'd certainly have a go at taking cuttings!
13 May, 2009
i think they could be choisia i have a white one i would have a go at semi-ripe cuttings and if that does not work take some hardwood cuttings in the autumn
13 May, 2009
It certainly looks like a Deutzia, I'm not too sure of the variety, although the Deutzias I have seen have more pointed petals, it could be a Wigelea? Very similar leaf and flower
13 May, 2009
weigelias have more of a bell shaped flower i think
13 May, 2009
Telme - no, it's not a crab apple, but thanks for your idea.
Mims & Andrea - I have a Deutzia scabra in the garden and it doesn't look anything like that, but maybe a different species? I look it up, thanks.
Mims - I used to work for the parks dept, so I feel a bit embarrassed to phone them up lol
Lemondog - no, it's not a choisia, but thanks for having a go.
Hmmm, Weigela is an interesting idea - I have one of those too and, yes Mageth, the flowers are more bell or trumpet shaped, but I suppose this might be another species to the 'usual' one?
14 May, 2009
lonicera tartarica? sid
14 May, 2009
Mageth - I've googled L. tatarica and it is certainly very similar. I must say, it didn't quite look identical, but the leaf shape and colour was right and the shape of the flowers looked about right....I'm just not sure about the actual shape and structure of the branches - I'm going to have to pick a bit and bring it home with me I think so I can compare more closely with the pictures I could find. It's a pretty thing - I'd really like to find out what it is! Thanks for your help!
15 May, 2009
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If it is growing in the middle of other shrubs, could they not be serounded crab apple trees, the flowers are rather going over but I see they have the five petals, perhaps some one else will have other ideas.
13 May, 2009