By Patgreen5
United Kingdom
My lawn is looking quite sad. I have fed/weeded it and have given it miracle grow lawn food for the last couple of months but it has not become the green sward I had hoped for.
I also have a fairy ring which has been in the lawn for about 4 years and shows no sign of leaving, any tips for this?
Please do not argue about my question, it really isn't necessary. I have raked the lawn a couple of weeks ago and that has made it a little better, maybe I should rake again?
Help please! Many thanks

17 Jun, 2012
And anyone who believes what it says on the packet of anything to do with grass gets what they deserve :)
Photo not really needed. My advice would be to scarify the lawn, then aerate the lawn, then once you have a patch that looks like a dirt track, re-seed.
I would also get a professional person in to do it properly unless you want to spend a lot of money on appropriate scarifiers and aerators.
I'll direct you to a few pictures of what mine looked like last last October a bit later, and what it looks like now, by doing just that.
17 Jun, 2012
My lawns have looked pretty poor for a few years. I used a garden rake and took up the thatch. There is no need to buy a special tool. You can aerate with a garden fork. I threw over some compost and grass seed to help things along. I then used Westland Lawn Feed Weed Moss Killer Spreader. Got 2 for £10 from B&M. Excellent stuff. Made the grass green for the first time within a week and it looks great now.
17 Jun, 2012
Scrumpy, it's me, I, who has asked for a photo - it is not up to you to decide whether that is necessary or not. You may not require one, and that's fine - the fact that I'd prefer one is also fine, and not down to you to negate. It would be helpful if you could adopt a less withering, dismissive (the first part of your response) and authoritarian tone... although I'm not convinced you know how to communicate without sounding like a dictator. How about proving me wrong?
Scrumpyg: since I know you most likely will not be able to respond in a courteous and comfortable to read manner, I have put up a blog today where this discussion about your manner can be continued, to spare discomfort for this questioner. It is called Toxic Corner/Snipers' Alley. Please direct your response there.
17 Jun, 2012
Not to disappoint you.
Oh grow up for God's sake.
You really need to get a life instead of bickering at me.
I was replying to Pat, not you. If i wanted to reply to you I would have said so. And anyway, I find you to be the hypocrite of the highest order when previously you have directed someone to take the answer of a particular person rather than someone else. Think before you write !!!!
And i'd love to contribute to your blog. You may be in for quite a shock.
17 Jun, 2012
I doubt it, Scrumpy, the shock I mean... but I am sorry you put this response on this thread. Apologies, Patgreen.
17 Jun, 2012
Pat your lawn looks a million times better than mines x I've been scarifying with spring tined rake and aerating with fork, sweaty work but I'm seeing some improvement x really like the focal point in the centre of your lawn :) x no advice as I'm still a total novice :)
17 Jun, 2012
Goodness, I thought you said the lawn was bad. Looks quite good to me.
Thought it may have been be something like this, which was taken on 1st February.
and this is how it looks today
With regards to Kildermories comment, I too, before hiring a lawn man, had religiously gone over the lawn for months with a recommended hand pulled scarifier. I attempted to aerate with a fork. I did get what i thought was a fair bit of rubbish from the lawn, until the lawn man did his bit and half filled a compost bin.
So you can make your own mind up which method to use if you decide to go ahead and scarify.
Seed I used was some old evergreen stuff I found in the shed, which i sprinkled around the whole lawn end of March after it had been scarified and weed killed a few weeks earlier. I also tried a bit of that Miracle grow patch repair for the bad bit in the corner which worked a treat.
In your case, you may need a special seed as your garden looks quite shaded.
Preparation is important and as much raking with a lawn rake will help during the summer. Then go for the big clean up later in the year.
One other thing that can affect the quality of your lawn is what you cut it with. A bad lawnmower will wreck all the good work.
That's it from me then. Apologies for the digression.
Hopefully Bamboo will now give you her answer.
17 Jun, 2012
Great before and after pic of your lawn Graham, ........ Where's my lawn bowls and Jack :) x
17 Jun, 2012
We'll never know the answer to the question as bamboo gave a reply by personal message. Mine wasn't good enough by the sounds.
I did reply to the blog above as requested, then she deleted it, then to the other one which was also deleted.
Luckily, I saved it in time.
18 Jun, 2012
A photograph or two would be very helpful here... is that possible?
17 Jun, 2012