By Hugh777
United Kingdom
how high does a fence need be to stop rabbits jumping it? thanks hugh
17 Jun, 2012
Easier to invest in 'Reynardin'. Sprinkle on an old rag, and place under the hut, or where it will be protected from the rain. Will keep rabbits out for 3 weeks. Then renew.
Best to wear disposable gloves when using it, or you wont be very welcome in the boudoir.
Our Allotment Steward used to call it 'Fox's piddle.'
Ha ha.
18 Jun, 2012
Sadly, Diane, Renardine has been withdrawn - some time ago.
18 Jun, 2012
Wouldn't you just know. As soon as you find something really good it disappears. It even happens with food in Tesco.
18 Jun, 2012
thanks guys
18 Jun, 2012
Sorry about that. We havent got rabbits on our field, so I hadnt looked for it in the GC. Will post on Goy if I find it somewhere else. It may be under another name. Have signed the petition to leave the EU so we can get rid of these silly regulations. The Germans banned Creosote because some rats who had been chewing a fence were found with Cancer symptoms. After several years it is being produced again under another name ! Tartaric/Citric Acid was another one, we always used to make our own lemonade years ago. They banned the sale of that but the drink manufacturers still use it - see the 'contents' on their bottles !
19 Jun, 2012
Renardine smells so awful, Diane - I used it years ago to try to keep the foxes out, but it was so awful, it kept us out as well - for weeks!
19 Jun, 2012
Didn't know they had banned citric acid - got them there as I still have some at the back of the cupboard. Nothing to do with the question of course...
19 Jun, 2012
Two feet is probably enough to stop them jumping it, Hugh, but that is only part of the problem! If you were a rabbit and could not jump the fence what would you do - yes, bury under it. To create anything like a rabbit proof fence you will need to dig a two/three foot wide trench round the garden, about a foot deep, and fold the wire outwards in an 'L' shape so that they hit it when they start digging.
17 Jun, 2012