how do i get rid of moss spreading all over my lawn?
By Ben
United Kingdom
iv started to get moss speading all over my lawn esp at the bottom of my garden, i dont no much about gardening but i do like to keep my grass short.
17 May, 2009
..there is moss in your lawn for a reason, there is NO point in killing the moss, if you dont solve the problem causing it!
Rake the lawn to get rid of surplus moss and then use a fork to make many holes in the turf's surface.
Now scatter lots of "sharp sand" over the lawn and spread it with a lawn or rake.
Anywhere that the moss continues to grow, just spot treat that area with sand etc to improve the drainage. X
17 May, 2009
You say you like to keep your grass short .. it is possible to scalp a lawn by mowing too closely and thereby allowing moss to encroach into previously grassed areas.
So if this the cause Llews advice good and raise your mower height.
If poor drainage the cause then Andy has the answer.
17 May, 2009
x x x
17 May, 2009
Buy some granulated weed and feed and make sure it's got a moss killer in it. Follow instructions for application.
The moss will go black in a few days and then you can rake it out.
Do not mow 3 days either side of application and if you don't get any rain within 2 days, water it well in.
Welcome to GOY, too. :o)
17 May, 2009