By Holly66
United Kingdom
My runner bean plants, grown in containers, have been in about 3 weeks. The leaves are turning a yellowy green and I wonder if something is missing in the soil. We had very high winds recently so I erected a wind break for a few days. They are definitely not overwatered or underwatered. Any ideas?
21 Jun, 2012
Are you watering too much? So composts look dry on the top but are wet underneath. I know it's daft but are there holes in the bottom? Otherwise as Melchisedec.
21 Jun, 2012
Oh good - thanks for the endorsement Cutsandgrazes and welcome to GOY. Sorry to butt in on your question, Holly, and welcome to you as well! Hope the advice helps.
21 Jun, 2012
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I grow runner beans in containers as well. I am not an expert, but I would feed them - I use general purpose plant food, and then tomato feed once they are flowering. If this is not very good advice, I am sure someone else will offer another idea (which I would appreciate, for my own sake!)
21 Jun, 2012