By Camille8
What on earth is this, growing on my camelia???

21 Jun, 2012
Looks rude to me...
21 Jun, 2012
At first glance it looked like a chicken. I'll go with Pimpernel.
21 Jun, 2012
yep it is a gall of some sort .
camellia gall is as good a suggestion since its on a camellia :o)
21 Jun, 2012
Was I the only one? sorry...
21 Jun, 2012
Thanks everyone - I checked the link to the rhs website and there it was - thanks Pimpernel. Nice to know it's neither poisonous nor pornographic!
22 Jun, 2012
LOL.... You've a mucky mind Sterra :0))
22 Jun, 2012
Sorry, can't help it.
22 Jun, 2012
i too had those thoughts but i a trying to be a lady ;o)
22 Jun, 2012
I'm impressed SG!
23 Jun, 2012
Previous question
I think that is a camelia gall that has burst..Yes it is.
I hope it helps.
21 Jun, 2012