How do I stop Cats from using my Garden as a loo
By Jay68
United Kingdom
Help help, I`ve had enough I have a small patch of earth at the front of my house, which I would very much like to plant something like lavender in, but unfortunately the local cat community have decided to use this area as their loo, and what makes it worse my bedroom window opens up on to this piece of earth, and i live on the ground floor, I tried lots of chemical deterents but have found lots of them run out fairly quickly and to be honest would prefer a more permanent and natural deterent instead of the chemical option, is there anyone out there who can help me with a remedy to my problem, ive heard there are sharper types of gravel for instance that cats dont like walking on ??

17 May, 2009
thanks moon grower, and do u think for this method i`d be better off buying established plants rather than plugs plants ???
17 May, 2009
yes buy bigger plants, as the cats will dig up the plugs. once planted push pea sticks or twigs around the plants to stop the cats walking there.
we were told by an rspca officer to fire a childs spud gun at them as the spud wont do any damage.
Welcome to GoY too.
17 May, 2009
You can use the smaller lavender if expense is an option, cover the area with membrane and cut out small areas where you want to plant, then use no smaller than 14mm gravel and scatter some larger pebbles over that. I have heard that Jeyes fluid is a good deterant, pop it in a dish and leave it on the area. If you have any holly in your garden or spikey plants, lay that over the area as well.
18 May, 2009
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Trying planting the lavender bushes closely after cleaning and clearing the soil and giving it a feed. The cats will only use clear ground to poop in, or ground with very small plants and lots of soil in between.
17 May, 2009