Can anyone identify these summer bulbs please?
By Daisymasie
United Kingdom
I cannot remember where I got them from. They stay in their pot over winter and reappear and flower about now in late May or early June.

18 May, 2009
are they polyanthes tuberosum? They are very pretty what ever they are.
18 May, 2009
Looks like Camassia to me - been trying to get hold of some myself for some time
18 May, 2009
Not sure, but they are not Camassia. The petals on Camassia are much narrower and the flowers are star shaped.
18 May, 2009
i agree they are not camassia as the buds are more pointed.
18 May, 2009
Yea, I revise my first opinion, not Camassia at all! Very nice, whatever it is, wouldn't mind some myself.
I'd like to know what those tubular buds open up into though - hard to tell from picture how many petals are there in the lower down flowers just beginning to open, and also what they look like when they are fully open.
19 May, 2009
They look like Ixia or African corn lily.
18 May, 2009