By Temple09
United Kingdom
How long after seeding can you walk on/mow the new lawn?
I sowed my new lawn (at completely the wrong time of year as far as the standard goes) at the end of May. However, this year's wet summer meant that it has all come up nicely.
I used garden centre "special loam" soil as a bedding for the seed, sowing on top of it and then treading it in afterwards.
However, the grass is now about 3 inches tall - a height at which I would normally mow. However the loam is still quite loose, and the couple of times I have had to tread on it it has felt like walking on pillows as I dip down by half a foot!
I am worried that mowing (with my flymow) will cause all of the grass to be blown off into next door's garden. I am also concerned that stepping on it (which comes hand in hand with mowing it) may damage the newly formed roots.
Does anyone have any advice as to where (and when) to go from here in order to compact the ground and to mow it?
Many thanks.
23 Jun, 2012
The grass is ready for cutting.
Never used a flymow, but the recommendations are for the first cut to only take off about an inch or so. If a flymo allows you to do that then mow away. I use a cylinder mower.
As to your loam, it sounds as if it wasn't firmed before you sowed. Not a lot you can do now, except firm down as you are doing as best you can, then i'm afraid it's back to more loam to level it off and firm it in. When I reseeded parts of my lawn I used a combination of a flat rake and stamping on it. When it looks a mess, re seed the barren bits.
23 Jun, 2012