By Gnarly_gnome
Whats the name of this

23 Jun, 2012
Have a look at the photo,s for " Actinidia kolomikta".....isn't that a lovely name.....the white often turns pinky as it ages
23 Jun, 2012
Something just telling me that it's not actinidia. Leaves too pointed and no pink on leaves either.
Might be wrong tho !!!
23 Jun, 2012
Its the only one I could think of Andy, but I agree about the leaf shape wonder if there are any more actinidia's?
23 Jun, 2012
Hi All
its always white never pink , as the leaf gets older the white takes over , it does have pink flowers
23 Jun, 2012
I think it might be actinidia polygama which has narrower leaves than A. kolomikta, plus only white markings and no pink
23 Jun, 2012
Hi Andrewr and all
Found it at last you are half right it has been renamed it was called Actinidia polygama , but new name is
Actinidia tetramera var maloidies and the Americans call it "Rosy crab-apple Kiwi, this has taken me two days I bought it from a garden centre this one was in the middle of the pink leaved ones with the same tag on .
Just need to know how to propergate its about 5 years old and came through all those bad winters but the soil is very freedraining and has the protection of other shrubs and the fence
23 Jun, 2012
at least we sort of helped....pleased you know now and I've learnt a new plant
23 Jun, 2012
you all helped
Thanks everyone
23 Jun, 2012
Layering seems to be the best option for propagation. The Actinidia I have (Chocolate vine) layers itself with great gusto.
23 Jun, 2012
All actinidias are attractive to cats - my first one was killed by the blighters rubbing against it. This one is particularly attractive to them apparently so you may need to give it some sort of protection until it is large enough to survive their attentions
23 Jun, 2012
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« I have been trying to locate an Asparagus Fern. It's not the vegetable but a...
It looks like an ornamental kiwi vine not sure of the name though sorry!
23 Jun, 2012