Can I move my gunnera now (May)?
By Kittywispa
United Kingdom
HI,I have a beautiful gunnera one year old in my front garden.Its a magnificent beast!I have spent a lot of time and love on it and I have become worried as there has been some thefts of neighbours plants in the area, really I would like to move it into a pot and keep in the back garden ,do gunneras do well in pots? any advice much appreciated Thanks!
18 May, 2009
I have never seen a gunnera in a pot but perhaps someone else will know better.
Perhaps you could shield it with something extremely thorny nearby to put them off? Or how about CCTV?
18 May, 2009
Hi Kittywispa Keeping a Gunnera in a pot would be a challenge as they like to have their feet in the damp, in addition this is not the time to move the beast as the sap is well and truly up! Like Mageth I deplore folk who steal plants - well, anything for that matter! You could put the word out that the hairs on the leaves and the sap are a major irritant...
18 May, 2009
Thanks guys for your replies and advice,on balance think I will leave it in situ.Its only about 2 feet tall but has huge leaves now,tho still a baby! I have put bushy shrubs in front and sides of garden so hopefully it will be hidden before long.
18 May, 2009
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Gunneras are huge plants and I think would need an extensive root system to support all those leaves. Shame on those that steal plants. How big is yours? I really cant think of any way to protect it other than the sheer size might put the thieves off
18 May, 2009