By Bertiefox
Maine et Loire,
Pittosporum problems? I have successfully grown this pittosporum for about six or seven years from a small plant. My pittosporum is planted in a narrow soil bed at the edge of the wall inside a sort of conservatory but it now has leaves which are drooping and shoots which are beginning to die off. I thought at first it was lack of water but watering frequently has made no difference. It flowered really well this spring, and has been healthy up to now. Could this be Pittosporum 'dieback' and is there anything I can do to save the plant before it gets worse?
24 Jun, 2012
Thanks for the advice. Interesting to hear the same happened to yours. I wonder if mine is getting too large for its site now as the area it is planted into is very small. But whatever the case, I'd think pruning right back will be the solution. I've never fed the poor thing either, so that should be something to remedy!
26 Jun, 2012
funnily mine flowered well and then died in the manner you describe. dont know if it is die back. but i'd prune it back to healthy wood give it a feed and sit and wait.
25 Jun, 2012