By Craigphm
United Kingdom
Can anyone recommend a good plant food that can be used on a number of different flowering plants in the garden?
25 Jun, 2012
chicken manure is pretty good to and reasnably priced .
25 Jun, 2012
I personally use Tomorite, on my toms and flowers
25 Jun, 2012
I was recommended Tomorite last year for my wisterias as they did not flower and this year I had magnificent blooms so I can endorse Booboosmur recommendation. I have also had very good advice on mulching in spring also which I will follow for next year, I must go and find the advice then I will post it for you.
25 Jun, 2012
This is advice from Bamboo which she kindly gave me on a similar question to yours, I am sure Bamboo wont mind me sharing.
I agree with the use of Growmore - sprinkle it everywhere in spring around March and turn the soil over - repeat six weeks later if the weather has been very wet (as this year). Another way to 'feed' your plants is by feeding the soil, Marion - adding humus rich materials at least once a year increases the fertility of your soil, thus enabling your plants to get whatever nutrients they need when they need them.
25 Jun, 2012
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Hi Craigphm,
I have used soluble plant food from on the flowers and plants in my garden. I've used it on all the flowering plants in my garden, all my plants and flowers now look very nice!!
My one tub has lasted me quite a while now, I just occasionally mix the feed in with my watering can when I water my plants.
You can buy the plant food online here:
Hope this helps!
25 Jun, 2012