By Lilypad
United Kingdom
Hullo Everyone, My apple, pear and plum trees were smothered in blossom . When I went to look at them today I found 2 pears on one tree and none on the other, my plum has 6 tiny fruits and the apples apart fom one bramley is completely void of apples. How are other gardeners faring? Is it lack of pollinators? or bad weather that blew off the fruits or what? I would love to know why
26 Jun, 2012
Thanks for your reply that means high prices for fruit later on I suppose?
26 Jun, 2012
'Fraid so!
26 Jun, 2012
Hi, I was told by a friend that when the plum trees were in blossom the weather was too wet for the bees and other pollinating insects to pollinate them
26 Jun, 2012
I have 10 apple and pear trees. They vary from no fruit at all to just the right size crop. Discovery was smothered in blossom for much longer than normal, only to find, just now, hardly any fruit at all. I think it is keyed in with cold weather keeping blossom hanging on, when the tree should have gone on to develope fruit. It is very disapointing.
27 Jun, 2012
Cold at the wrong time. We have few Damson, no plums and the apples are not plentiful, but should be bigger as they are well spaced out.
26 Jun, 2012