Growing Vales Emerald potatoes
By Marian314
United Kingdom
Could anyone give me some advice on how i should go about planting vales emerald potatoes. many thanks
20 May, 2009
Previous question
Hi Marian, these are a first early and would normally be planted by now but it isn't too late yet! Not knowing how much gardening knowledge you have so I will keep simple. I assume that your potatoes are already chitted (sprouting) so, dig a trench 8 -13 cm deep.
Add a light sprinkling of fertiliser to the trench and begin planting.
Plant early potatoes about 30 cm (or use your foot as a measure) apart with 40-50 cm between the rows.
Handle the chitted tubers with care, gently setting them into the trench with the shoots pointing upwards. Cover lightly with soil.
As soon as the shoots appear, earth up each row by covering it with a ridge of soil so that the shoots are just buried. (This is why you need so much space between the rows) You need to keep doing this at regular intervals.
Your potatoes should be ready for lifting from mid to late July, once they have flowered - as these are 1st earlies they will not keep for long so just lift them as you need them.
Good luck and have fun!
20 May, 2009