Problems with courgettes
By Marian314
United Kingdom
The children and i planted courgette and cucumber seeds a number of weeks ago. They germinated perfectly well and got to the size of four leaves. Then all of a sudden they all went belly up so to speak!! Anyone have any idea why they would have done that? Would like to try growing them again next year but would like to avoid mistakes,
20 May, 2009
Sounds like "damping off". There are things you can buy to spray on seedlings to avoid this happening from any gardenn centre.
Personally I wouldn't wait until next year - plant some more seeds now, they have a remarkable way of catching up. You can plant courgette seeds direct into the ground now.
Last year we had a problem with frost damage (too eager to plant out) so we went and bought some plants, and planted some more seeds as a stand by. We ended up with the orginal plants, the ones we bought and the new planst from seeds and so had hundreds of courgettes. We learnt our lesson and are planting out later this year.
20 May, 2009
I heared that a weak solution of camamile tea can help with the damping off problem. Overwatering can make leaves yellow and kill plants, so this could be an option to consider. Courgettes are easy to grow for children, so just pop a few more seeds in, you'll still get good results. Hope this helps.
20 May, 2009
Thers's still time to plant some more,
maybe they needed planting on into a bigger pot, they are very thirsty plants and can become root bound very quickly, so if there is not enough soil, the roots become too wet with over watering and cause stem rot.
All new to me is trial and error, i have learnt so much from ready blogs and questions on GYO....good luck
I had dampening off problem with some of my seedlings early in March and used a cheshunt compound bought from the gc.
Was too eager like Stan1962 I think, trying to do things too early
mrs melon x
21 May, 2009
did you have a particuarly cold spell, could the kiddies have over watered them trying to be helpful, bless I love it when peeps include their kids
x x x
20 May, 2009