clematis question?
By Sgtwarpig
United States
I currently have one clematis in the garden which is dark purple but only blooms once per season. I have seen a light purple almost lilac colored that blooms all season. Does anyone know of a dark purple clematis that blooms all summer?
Where can I find some instructions on how to prune a clematis?
I think the one I have is jackmani but I guess I am really a novice gardner I dont even know how to cut them back in early spring I used to cut them all the way down to a foot from the ground every winter but the last few years have just let them grow wild guess I need to read how to prune
29 Apr, 2008
Of course I don't mind! Another thought is C.viticella 'Etoile Violette'. The advantage of the viticellas is that they do not require pruning, only tidying! I also have a large-flowered purple Clematis - an old variety, but reliable, called 'The President'. I think that the Jackmanii is a good choice as it is prolific! These last two do need cutting back to about 1' to good buds in early spring. Why don't you take a leaf out of various experts' books and plant two different Clematis together? Then you'd have flowers for a longer period!
29 Apr, 2008
There are several to choose from.the most widely grown is probably
C.Jackmanii Superba large single purple flowers June - Sept. Might also consider C. Viticella 'Polish Spirit' Smaller flowers but profuse flowers July - Sept. This variety apparently more resistant to clematis wilt.If you look under Spritzhenrys photos you might find some examples you like - very keen clematis grower and sure she wont mind recommendation.
29 Apr, 2008