By Booboosmum
United Kingdom
I once bought a Cycad but stupidly thought I could overwinter in my garage with no protection! Consequently it died..
My local market is selling them relatively cheap and I'd like to have another go as I really like them but i need some advice on how to overwinter, I have a greenhouse.
27 Jun, 2012
Bamboo how about if I fleeced it, kept it off the ground and bubblewrapped the pot itself in a frost-free GH?
27 Jun, 2012
yep, that might work - if the greenhouse remains frost free at night. Depends on how bad a winter gets I suppose...
27 Jun, 2012
Right, ok i'll give it a go, off the the market on Saturday!!
27 Jun, 2012
Previous question
« I have discovered potato leaf roll virus in my potatoes - what should I do now?
It won't survive anything below zero degrees, BBM, and it won't look well with anything below 10 deg C really. So its heated greenhouse or conservatory or indoors...
27 Jun, 2012