By Bluegrass
anyone know best treatment for the dreaded slugs??
27 Jun, 2012
Yes I agree - just stamp on them. I use pellets in my greenhouse.
28 Jun, 2012
Bluegrass if you put 'slugs' into the search box towards top right of screen you will get lots of threads with suggestions as to how to deal with slugs, it is a very common question at present.
28 Jun, 2012
on a lighter note I found once i stopped lying down on the damp grass i stopped needing the treatment ;p
sorry bluegrass!
28 Jun, 2012
Going out with tweezers and killing them does work. Eggshells do not work - better to add them to the soil. Frogs do eat them but they prefer worms and they will not touch larger slugs, neither do most birds. I found 3 frogs in my garden today and I would say that there are less slugs around their territory.
Am told mowing the lawn at night kills loads but that is not very sociable. Pellets and copper rings do work. 2ndhand has a blog on copper rings from scourer pads which is a cost effective idea.
28 Jun, 2012
thank you for all handy hints and comments...bit new at this so bare with me .....this photo is one i just really like....
2 Jul, 2012
Squash em, or a pond with frogs, crushed eggshell round plants, copper rings round neck of plants, sink a jar of beer into the soil to drown them are a few options...... I pick em off and squish em x
27 Jun, 2012