By Pdb
United Kingdom
I have quiet a few hemeroacallis around the garden and whilst most do open and flower I have 2 (can't remember the name) that every year seem to have this bug that prevents them from opening fully and they go mushy.Do you think I should just dig them up or can they be treated.
Thank you
28 Jun, 2012
Hi Owdboggy , yep just looked and found the mites. Will it affect other hemerocallis I have planted near the 2 that have got the bugs? I must have had them last year too as they never opened .
28 Jun, 2012
Sadly, eventually it will spread to all of them. Supposedly it is only the early flowering ones which get it, but we have found it in all ours except the species.
28 Jun, 2012
early flowering ones tend to suffer more than the later varieties. also second flushes are not affected. I theink the adults are on the wing late May so plants are affected june.
certainly I remove deformed buds and then later ones are fine.
28 Jun, 2012
Lucky you Seaburngirl, all of ours are affected and all the flowers on some of the plants.
28 Jun, 2012
If you look very carefully inside the damaged flowers, you may find some tiny white worm like creatures. These are no more than 2 mm long so not easy to see. If you find them then you have Hemerocallis gall mites. There is , sadly, no cure. I know, we have them. Two choices, dig out the plants and burn them. Or. Remove every single flower on the affected plants and bin/burn. You may well need to do this for a couple of years to clear the infection and even then there is no guarantee. Sad really.
28 Jun, 2012