Identify houseplant?
By Tonimills
United States
My daughter gave this plant to me yesterday - I have no idea what kind of plant it is. Can anyone help?

7 Jul, 2007
I'm sure it's a gloxinia! Should flower for a couple of months in bright light (not direct sun) Stand pot on damp pebbles and keep water off leaves when you water it (tepid temp). Lovely present from your daughter.
7 Jul, 2007
My first thought was a gloxinia too, it's pretty!
7 Jul, 2007
I compared some pictures and it's a gloxinia. Sounds like it will be a bit challenging to nurse back to health but I'll give it a try...I'm so glad I found this site today! I have lots of questions about my plants and now I have people to ask - a big thank you to all three of you!
7 Jul, 2007
Just saved one of these from the toss it shelf. I knew I'd find a conversation with my care answer someplace. Thanks Spritz! You think with the Saintpaulia would be a good spot?
2 Oct, 2009
I believe you treat them exactly as you would African Violets. Don't over water. Only water when the soil is dry. Lots of light. etc.
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks. That is what I was thinking, but I'm intimidated by its size. Its large! I really am tested finding a spot. 15 big blooms and more buds and only $5!
2 Oct, 2009
Wow GT....What a great deal.
5 Oct, 2009
Hi there, are the leaves 'downy' with quite long flower tubes coming from the base of the leaves?
7 Jul, 2007