Gooseberry Leaf
By Marge
West Yorkshire.,
United Kingdom
Fruit growing but New leaf turns small and curled
22 May, 2009
Hi Nicky, thank you for your comment. Our gooseberry bush has finished flowering and we have had four helpings of gooseberry and custard from it, which I think is good because we bought it last autumn as a two year old.
I did spray it with washing up liquid, then when the leaves went brown, I chopped them all off. Unfortunately the new growth is starting to curl up too. I am going to prune the tree hard back in the next few days. Hopefully then it will have its dormant period.
16 Jun, 2009
Pruning hard back isnt a good idea as oyu will lose this years wood that will produce fruit next year, completely if you cut it hard back, perhaps jsut the worst affected new shoots and you should still get fruit next year!
And remember to prune off inward growing shots if possible to keep the plant i a 'cup like' shape, open in centre
16 Jun, 2009
Hi, thank you for advice. It has rained so much today, I have not even been near the garden.
17 Jun, 2009
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Aphids as they suck sap, they damage new leaf buds affecting the new leaves.
May be due to drought that they have gone brown especially as it was hot early in the year,
A picture would help?!
Or Gooseberry sawfly (unlickly in this explaniation and only if you can see catterpillars on plants), BUT they start as green caterpillars with black dots all over and can strip a plant if infestation is bad. No sprays are available for caterpillars, its a case of hand picking and disposing of as you like!
16 Jun, 2009