United Kingdom
I planted a dwarf apple tree in a container this year, can someone please tell me how much to water it; at the moment we're having a few short showers.
1 Jul, 2012
If the container has drainage holes at the bottom, water when the surface of the compost is dry to the touch, but not so dry that its shrunken away from the sides of the pot. When you do water, give it a good soak - any excess will run out at the bottom.
Hi to you Noseypotter, I'll be checking your Youtube links later...
2 Jul, 2012
hello bamboo x .
2 Jul, 2012
Thank you Noseypotter and Bamboo. I wish I could put it in the ground but don't have the room. I've put some large pebbles on top of the soil now.
2 Jul, 2012
keep ya fingers crossed lol .
2 Jul, 2012
just make sure that when you put your finger in to the first joint it feals damp to the touch . any dryer water it . this will depend on the weather ofcourse . if you water directly onto the soil and not on the leaves you can water any time . id be inclined to mulch it to keep it damp longer . actualy id plant it but thats just my taste . i planted a 16 year old bonzei acer tree from the tiny plant pot into the soil . the next summer it was as if it had gone yippee im free and grew a good 6-8 feet . it was tal and leggy thow so i keep hafting to cut it back to get a more shrub like shape . i still do but not much more . its about 7` and over the 5-6 years its been in the soil i bet ive cut of at least 6-8` every year. you dont very often see a maple grow that quickly . its making up for lost time lol . i did ask my friend who kept it bonzeid for said 16 years if he minded ofcourse . ironicly enough he was the one who trimmed it this year so he could grow the shoots into trees . what goes around comes around and its kind of done me ,him and the tree a faver lol . he gets 20 or so little potential bonzei , the tree gets set free and ofcourse i get a lovley acer . i did get a monkey puzzle tree of of him as we both thaught it didnt seam to make a very good bonzei . thow its fine its not shot up like the acer . ill stop running on now lol xx.
2 Jul, 2012