codonopsis - is it a climber, trailer or scrambler?
By Bren
United Kingdom
Hi,I have grown codonopsis lanceolata from seeds,and for the life of me, cannot remember whether its a climber .trailer or a scrambler through other plants
Age is creeping up on me
On plant
24 May, 2009
I allow this one to climb through other plants so that you can see inside of the flower.
24 May, 2009
Thanks a lot,will let it do its own thing,and you are right,moon it looks a stunner
24 May, 2009
Don't forget to take some pix once it is grown up and flowering
24 May, 2009
Previous question
« we have just got a plant and it has grown two heads on the same stem
Hi Bren, that one is twining scrambling... we've got some seedlings coming on and I'm really looking forward to seeing them flower as the description I've read states: flowers are pale green on the outside, with chocolate purple shading on the inside bottom, and violet spotting higher up inside
24 May, 2009