All my lavender bushes are covered with something that looks like somebody spat on them.
By Michaela
United Kingdom
What is it? Should I worry about some pests?

25 May, 2009
I think the little green bug inside is called a froghopper. From what I gather, they do no harm to the plant and the froth is to protect them from the birds and other beasties that like eating little insects.
25 May, 2009
I also have this on my wild rose, thought one of my kids had been spitting out the windows hehe
bless them good thing I never shouted at them
x x x
25 May, 2009
Thank you all so much. I've never had anything like this on my plants. I am glad to find it's nothing to worry about.
26 May, 2009
Just checked my lavenders and they're covered in it! Yuk! All sticky!
28 May, 2009
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Its cuckoo spit which is a little green insect that produces this froth to hide. rub it off or give a blast with water to remove. I have it on my lavender too, but it doesnt seem to cause too much problem
25 May, 2009