Should I put weeds on my compost heap? Normally I dump my weeds and the council turns them into compost I appreciate they process all the dump material but is that any different from my rotting.
By Camellia
United Kingdom
I have three compost heaps made from pallets. The pallets are great as they are free, provide enough ventilation and when they rot are easily replaced. I let the material rot down for about 1 year. They generate considerable heat would they rot down weeds without the risk of them growing again when the compost is distributed. I suspect that weeds containing seed are a definite no go.
25 May, 2009
gardeners world said not to put dandilion roots in your compost bin. other than that I have no idea
x x x
25 May, 2009
The council use a state of the art composting facility that uses artificial heat to compost the weeds if neccessary.
I do not put seedy waste into our home compost bins or other noxious weed like couch or bishop weed - these all go to the council. Because of the rubbish that I put to the council I am very wary of using this municiple compost as a soil improver!!
25 May, 2009