How can I deter deer from enjoying my sweet corn?
By Pastorbrad
United States
I have planted sweet corn in a field away from the house and barn, near where deer graze. How can I deter their eat my crop?
25 May, 2009
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« I planted out my 'old favourite' sweet peas about three weeks ago. They...
Well PastorB, Marguerite may not be in the US but she is absolutely correct, the only sure-fire way to keep deer off your crop is to erect a TALL (6 ft or better) fence.
Dogs nearby will somewhat deter them but will not completely keep them away. They are a very big problem in a lot of areas of the US, especially New England and the Mid Atlantic states. The population has mushroomed in the last few decades and I blame it on Disney and what I call "Bambi Syndrome"!
26 May, 2009