By Rocky74
United Kingdom
will my primrose plants flower in autumn,they have been beautiful this spring
4 Jul, 2012
No I think you will have to wait til next spring for more flowers.
4 Jul, 2012
Mine (which are the native species Primula Vulgaris) only flower in spring/early summer. I've never had them flower in autumn.
4 Jul, 2012
Assuming them to be P. vulgaris, it is possible that they will flower come late winter. But spring is the usual.
I had quite a few in my old garden and they seemed to pop up at various times of the year. Once established, they will benefit from dividing every year or so.
5 Jul, 2012
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You might get the odd flower at any time of year, Rocky, but don't expect a great display.
4 Jul, 2012