By Magnadoodle
United Kingdom
How well do conifers cope with being moved?
I've got a small/dwarf conifer that I need to move, Its planted in an old plastic pond, was here when I moved it. It's a bright pale/lime green colour, no idea if it's small as its been planted in the pond thing and stunted, or if it's just a dwarf, slow grower. Next dry spell the pond is coming out, and I really want to try and save the conifer. I will try and get as much root as possible, but do the have shallow feathery roots that spread out or long deep tap roots? No idea what to try and keep when I start diggin!!! Shoul I put it in a pot for a whole when it's lifted or straight to intended new home, and best way to prepare new home, what feed drainage etc? ? Cheers
4 Jul, 2012
I agree. I moved some small ones this year and they have done very well.
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks very much x now just need rain to stop!!!!
4 Jul, 2012
Most conifers move with little problem when they are small.
Get as big a root ball as possible and plant imediatewly in its final position and keep it well watered for at least a month.
Depending on how big it is will depende on how much water it requires.
If say about a foot tall I'd give it three or 4 pints twice a week in normal weather and water every other day if it gets hot and dry.
4 Jul, 2012