By Jonah13
United Kingdom
Should young Begonias be pinched out at every 5 to 6 leaves? Does it encourage denser growth and more productive flowering? BBC Gardeners World magazine says it does. But are they right or wrong?
5 Jul, 2012
Best to snip them with something sharp if we do, rather than pinching with fingers.
5 Jul, 2012
My eyes are failing me again. I will look forward to rejoining you tomorrow.
5 Jul, 2012
Sorry to hear that Jonathan, hopefully you will have answer tomorrow? Take care Denise x
5 Jul, 2012
Try sending David a pm he will know the answer.
6 Jul, 2012
Eyes still blind today, but will be Ok by tomorrow I hope.
6 Jul, 2012
Sorry to hear this Jon, it must be hard for you.
6 Jul, 2012
Hi again. Am fine today thanks. Still no solving of mystery re pinching though. Surely somebody must know. My own begonias do always seem to bloom like mad even though I have never pinched them before. My summer display is always predominantly begonias, as I find they out-perform just about any other bedding.
7 Jul, 2012
I have never grown them so I will not even guess .
Begoniafan, Marksbegonias, Bloomer, and Yorkshire all grow them. I will ask them to have a look at your question and anwser you.
7 Jul, 2012
Hi Jonathan, I am going to follow this, as this is not in questions on the Begonia Page.
So thanks for the question and I hope you get an answer soon.
5 Jul, 2012