Wall Flowers
By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
I want 2 get My Front Garden Borders Planted Up With Summer Bedding & would like to keep the Wall Flowers Greenery as a Back Drop for Them ? If I cut Off The Flowering Steams will the Wall Flower Leafs stay Green 4 rest of Year? Best Wishes Jacx
26 May, 2009
Wow! thats Brill :) il be out in My Front Graden with My Pruners as soon as weather Permits :) Thanx Doc Jac x
26 May, 2009
Thankssss Doctorbob1... iwas just thinking what to do with my wallflowers now they have finished flowering....i was just browsing through the questions and found yours Jacque...
30 May, 2009
Great 2 know this has helped u 2 Holly :)
31 May, 2009
Hi Jacque,
I have just dug out my wallflowers which have been in for 2 seasons, if you cut back a little more than just flower heads yours will grow on through the summer and will flower next year. Wallflowers are perennials, they form a much larger plant though.
26 May, 2009