where have the butterflies gone
By Mactumpshie
United Kingdom
Buddleia douglasii in full bloom in west of scotland but no sign of any butterflies this year.Also no signs of white cabbage butterfly thank god .
26 May, 2009
Gosh I am also amazed you have a buddeia in full flower our neighbours one hasn't even really started growing yet! When we had them they flowered late June through July.
27 May, 2009
we had several painted ladies two days ago(see my pics)
27 May, 2009
Your buddleia is really early, but you must have had some painted ladies butterlflies, Millions have flown over from North Africa, and they are all over the country, a proper invasion. You need to wait a little longer for the rest of the butterflies. August is their best month, but should see some before that of course. My son has bought me a butterfly house, from the british History Museum. All I need to do now is order the caterpillars for £3.oo and with them comes their food, I will be able to watch their developement in this House, well its a net really, and after 2 months i can let them fly out. So now I am hoping my buddleia will be out then. Don't you think it's a lovely present?
28 May, 2009
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we had some out and about but the recent rain has 'chased' them away. my budleia isnt even in bud yet. is yours a particularly early species.
27 May, 2009