Does anyone know why my arum lillies will not flower?
By Nics
United Kingdom
They have not flowered since I got them three years ago. They are in full sun and I keep them well watered.
27 May, 2009
Hi Mims
I have put a newer one in a pot that has no draining so always a bit damp (and pongy) in shade and no sign of life yet.!
27 May, 2009
Arum creticum is sweetly scented, but the others do stink... You could throw a bit of sulphate of potash round it (this is good for flower formation) and see if it helps.
27 May, 2009
Thanks Mims - although I think its probably more the soggy earth than the plant!
27 May, 2009
Nics all plants need drainage even if they like damp soil... Arum's like semi-shade but do not particularly need moist ground, ours are under a big ash tree. I would suggest you move that this autumn you move the ones in the ground out of full sun and also repot the one in a pot into a pot with drainage holes
27 May, 2009
Brilliant - thanks
27 May, 2009
Oh yes, indeed. No drainage and the plant will drown (if it doesn't rot first, lol).
27 May, 2009
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might be the full sun that's the problem - Arum like a bit of shade and damp soil.
27 May, 2009